LIBERIA: Labour Minister Threatens Action Against ArcelorMittal

Labour Minister, Cllr. Charles Gibson

The Minister of Labour, Cllr. Charles H. Gibson, has issued a warning to the Management of Arcelor Mittal Liberia that if it fails to immediately begin the payment of all those aggrieved workers at 12:00noon tomorrow October 8, 2021, will risk being fined Twenty-Five Thousand United States Dollars ($25.000.00), to be paid into government account.

Minister Gibson furthered said that if the management of Arcelor Mittal Liberia fails to begin the payment to aggrieved workers by 12:00 noon tomorrow, October 8, 2021,  in addition to the  US$25,000 fine to be levied ,  they will also be fined $5000.00 United States Dollars for every additional day they fail to effectual the payment.

It can be record on September 21, 2021, the Ministry of Labour ruled that the Management of Arcelor Mittal-Liberia pays aggrieve former workers (Three Hundred and Eight Thousand United States Dollars) US$308,000 constituting total and final settlement for unfair labour practices meted against them by the Management.

The Ministry mandate was contained in a ruling rendered  by the Minister of Labour, Cllr. Charles H. Gibson at a press conference attended by the Ministry of Justice, National Bureau of Concession and the leadership of the aggrieve workers at the Ministry of Labour in Monrovia.

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