LIBERIA: Information Minister, Lenn Eugene Nagbe Justifies Reason For ‘Internet Shutdown’
As hundreds of internet users were left out without enjoying their social media and other related internet services during the day of the much publicized June 7th ‘Save the State’ protest organized by the Council of Patriots (COP), the Minister of information, Culture Affairs and Tourism (MICAT), Lenn Eugene Nagbe has publicly justified that action taken to shut down this technology.
Minister Nagbe speaking to reporters recently said the reason of shutting down all internet services in Liberia was due to what he called ‘Security reason’, and did not go further, as hundreds of internet users who expected to utilize this technology to inform the world about happenings in Liberia, and also talk to their friends and relatives aboard were left in isolation.
On this day, local correspondents for international news outlets were also hit hard by being disconnected with their agencies making them to lose their automatic financial income through their reportage on that day.
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