LIBERIA: GT Bank Slumbers To Guit Over $500K Withdrawal From Kailondo’s Account

By Dyujay Jackson
The Guaranty Bank Liberia Limited in a communications to the Kailondo petroleum Incorporated lawyer of the alleged withdrawal of five hundred thousand United States Dollars.
 Initially the bank has said they did not commission the withdrawal of such amount from the Kailondo petroleum incorporated account as claimed by its CEO George Kailondo.
 Communication in position of this paper shows that the bank actually commissioned that withdrawal of five hundred thousand United States Dollars from the company’s account.
 In its April 22, 2021 communication addressed to Dr. Jallah Barbu, the company’s lawyer said, the  bank agreed to credit the company’s account and honor checks up to the amount that will be available in it as the checks are presented to the bank.
 The communication further “we thank the management of Kailondo petroleum for the amicable resolution of this matter.” The bank in the communication is also begging the company through its CEO George Kailondo to retract its initial allegation that GT Bank has defrauded the company’s account and begin using same for business transactions without his authorization. GT bank of late has been in the news of unauthorizing withdrawing huge sum of monies from their customers account. In late 2021, the commercial court at the temple of justice ruled against the bank and held them liable for the dubious and legal authorization of over millions of dollars from the account of Charles Sirleaf, from bank executive of the central bank of Liberia. Guaranty Trust Liberia Limited is currently before the criminal court “C” over crimes of theft of property and criminal conspiracy, and is expected to take the stand this Tuesday, March 29, 2022 to resist the allegation. On July 10, 2021, George Kailondo filed a lawsuit against GT Bank Liberia Limited accusing the Bank of stealing US$930,500.00 from his account without his authorization. The lawsuit further that on September 9, 2014 up to December 15, 2016, the within named defendants and others.
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