LIBERIA: Court Places Stay Order On LTA’s Mandate To Cancel Three-Day Free Calls

The Civil Law Court has placed a stay order on the Liberia Telecommunications Authority (LTA) mandate to cancel the three-day free calls by GSM companies in the country.

The court’s decision on April 15 was due to an application filed by Orange Liberia lawyer, Cllr. Jallah Barbu, for Judicial Review of the LTA’s action.

Cllr. Barbu in his argument said that the LTA lacks the authority to determine and impose surcharges without the National Legislature.

He maintained that the LTA’s February 25 order lacks legal basis, and as such Orange Liberia’s application for Judicial Review should be granted to prevent LTA’s February 25 decision from taking hold.

Cllr. Barbu’s request has compelled Judge Yussif Kaba to issue a Writ of Summons for LTA Chairman Ivan Brown to appear in Court or risk losing the matter by default judgment.

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