LIBERIA: County Attorney Jailed For Gross Disrespect To Resident Judge In Bomi

Bomi County Attorney Cllr. Jumah Karnley was jailed for issuing gross disrespect to Resident Judge William Sando at the Tubmanburg Circuit Court in Bomi County.

Judge Sando said the Bomi County Attorney issued him disrespect by undermining a case that he (County Attorney) had no control over.

The judge said a complainant only identify as Peter car was stolen and another man also identify as Khadafi stood the bond of the accused and was sent to court.

The Judge said Khadafi was later jailed based on orders from him, something that got the County Attorney angry and ordered the Liberia National Police to arrest Peter and have him jailed.

But based on the arrest of Peter, the Resident Judge of Bomi invited the County Attorney Cllr. Karnley to look into the matter.

The judge said during the discussion, Cllr. Karnley started to use words that showed disrespect to him (Judge Sando) leading the Judge to order his Sheriff’s to arrest and detain the County Attorney.

He said before the arrest of the Bomi County Attorney there was a serious fight between the Sheriff and the County Attorney, but he was handcuffed and placed behind bars for two hours.


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