LIBERIA: Commerce Ministry Destroys L$120k Rotten Fish In Ganta

Commerce Minister Wilson K. Tarpeh

GANTA, June 16 (LINA) – Authorities of the Ministry of Commerce in Nimba County have confiscated and subsequently destroyed over 20 cartoons of fish found to be expired at the Fresh Frozen Food (FFF) Cold Storage in Ganta.

The ministry’s inspector for Nimba County, Nelson Korquoi, said his team received a tipoff from some customers of the business center and moved in promptly to seize the “L$120,000 worth of frozen fish.”

The seizure of the spoiled fish is in continuation of the rigorous exercise the Ministry has embarked on to guard against the entry into the county of products that could harm consumers, said Korquoi.

Local commerce inspectors are said to be deployed in cities, towns and at major border posts across Nimba to ensure that substandard and expired goods do not enter the country, or are not sold on the market.

So far, under his inspectorate, said Korquoi, over 15 business centers in the county have been busted for having in stock outdated consumable and non-consumable items, resulting to the raising of “more than L$2 million into the coffers of government, basically through fines.”

“It is important that traders in the county respect and abide by all laws and regulations in doing business to avoid bearing punitive actions by the Ministry of Commerce,” Korquoi warned.

Nonetheless, he said relationship between the ministry and business people in Nimba is “very cordial, but there will be absolutely nothing that would influence the functions of my office.”

He said as inspectors, members of his team are also on the watch for business people who exploit customers through creating artificial shortages through hoarding of goods to profiteer from basic commodities, including rice, cement, and petroleum products.

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