LIBERIA: Cocoo Training Institute Graduates 50 Students From Several Medical Disciplines In Pleebo

From E. Varney Kamah | GNN Correspondent | Maryland County |

The Cocoo Training Institute of Professional Studies in Pleebo, Maryland County during the week put out fifty graduates during institute’s 8th graduation exercise which was held at the Pleebo City hall on October 25th, 2020.

The institution graduated students from two departments including Nursing and the Laboratory technicians.

Serving as guest speaker at the program, the President of the Liberian National Physician Assistants Association (LINAA) Maryland County Chapter, Mr. Josiah W. Nimely who spoke to the Theme: Over Coming the Weapon of Complacency, urged the graduates to be committed to what they have acquired at the institute.

He noted that complacency is an act of self-satisfaction with an existing situation, stressing further, Mr. Nimely admonished the graduates by stressing, “To you our Graduating Class, there is a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, your achievement  today as a nurse Aide is just the beginnings of that journey of one thousand miles and let me quickly remind your class that in  this journey there are detractors, Critics, in  this journey who are there to kill your dream you will come across pains and sometimes disappointment,” Mr. Nimely lectured the graduates.

Among the graduate three students were honor roll Students include, Alfred W. Sloh, Jr. who read the valedictorian speech, Roland Freeman, and Lucy G. Nyemah, the administrator of the institution, Mr. Emmanuel Barcon graced the occasion.

“Let me extend my deepest gratitude to the proprietress of the Coocoo Training Institute who established this opportunity for the citizens of Maryland county, I will always work in the interest of the people for the betterment of the institution.

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