Chiefs, Elders of Nimba and Bong Counties Endorse Gongloe’s Presidential Bid Ahead Of 2023 Elections

Nimba and Bong Counties’ traditional leaders have endorsed the presidential bid of Counselor Tiawan Saye Gongloe for 2023.
The chiefs and elders from the combined 16 electoral districts of the two counties gave their approval Friday, 03 December, in Saclepea, Nimba County.
The okayed was a result of 1 year consultations amongst themselves in various electoral districts before being given their formal blessed Gongloe at the gathering.
It brought together numerous traditionalists from Bong and Nimba Counties 7 and 9 electoral districts which are amongst the most populated counties in Liberia.
The chiefs and elders in their unanimous decisions recounted Gongloe numerous contributions made to the growth and development of Liberia including his political persecution under various regimes.
Chief Joseph Gonkpala of Bong County the home town of Tiawan Gongloe late mother, Elizabeth Menguah-Gongloe, and Frankly Towah of Nimba County the home town of his late father, Wilfred Kehleboe Gongloe, spoke in one accord.
Both reminded their colleagues to stick to the commitment they have made in supporting Tiawan’s candidature and warned not to accept any Nimbaian with such ambition for the pending polls no matter who you are.
Besides their joint statement each chief and elder of the 16 electoral districts combined of Nimba and Bong Counties spoke individually first.
Before then, the early speaker was Dr. Johnson Geeply, Head of the Declaration Committee (DC) of Team Gongloe who used the occasion by appealing to Gongloe through his mother and father, people of both Bong and Nimba Counties convinced to accept their petition.
He said Team Gongloe which led the drive started almost years now having petitioned Tiawan to contest Liberia’s presidency but has neither said no nor yes to what they are asking him for.
Therefore, Geeply continued as tradition and custom dictates Team Gongloe was reaching out the parents (mother and father) of the Tiawan so as to appeal to their son to accept their petition.
During occasions in the form of appealing to Gongloe there was customary performance made by the chiefs and elders of the two counties.
In a short statement, Counselor Tiawan Saye Gongloe ahead of the Saturday, 04 December, response ceremony in Ganta, Nimba County, said Liberia needs to change for the better but that must come from Nimba County.
He was thankful to the chiefs and elders of both counties where his parents originated but more so, Team Gongloe that is at the forefront of the initiative.
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