LIBERIA: Calm returns to disputed land between Maryland and River Gee Counties
Calm is said to has reportedly been restored in a land dispute between Maryland and River Gee Counties with both counties claiming ownership of the land.
Report from Maryland County says calm was restored following a meeting recently between the superintendents of the two counties in Dorobo Karluway District.
Wednesday’s meeting was aimed at calming tensions between people of the two counties, while awaiting Government’s intervention to lasting settlement to the dispute.
According to our Correspondent, the dispute has been intensifying for the parcel of land divides Dorobo in Maryland and Nyenebo in River Gee.
The tension has also caused some farmers to flee abandoning their farms in the area.
Meanwhile, Maryland County Senator,Gble-bo Brown and River Gee County Matthew Jaye are expected in the area to help bring further settlement to the disputed land.
Source: ELBC
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