LIBERIA: Brotherhood Of The Cross Ends First Mansion Of Blessedness Convention

The Brotherhood of the Cross and Star (BCS) has ended a Mansion of Blessedness 1st West African Convention under the Theme” Upholding the Legacies of the Holy Mother Esu Elizabeth Olumba Obu held at a local hotel in Monrovia recently.

The BCS) is a religious organization founded in 1956 by Leader Olumba Olumba Obu, in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria.

It is s also a Christian organization that follows Jesus Christ, embrace a life of Christian discipleship as fellow Cross-Bearers, and believe that the surest path to the kingdom of God lays in searching out the old paths of our Christian forebears and following in their footsteps.

Speaking at the occasion which brought together people from the Christian Community in and around Liberia, Her Eminence Victor Imowo, encouraged members of the BCS   to maintain the sanctity  and beauty of BCS temples and Altars art the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star World Headquarters and in all BCS formations  and many more.

According to her, it is  for this reason that the holy Father in his exhortation declared that, ‘the Blessed Mothers of New Kingdom must, by all means ,be transformed from their vile nature to one that meets the sacred tradition of the New .

“ I  exhort all  Blessed Mothers to strive to keep  to these divine injunctions, knowing  fully swell that we are a source  of blessing to our families ,villages, communities and Nations” She said Her Eminence

Imowo, urged the participants after the five day convention, to demonstrate the lifestyle of the holy Mother to all women in the BCS  fold and world at large in speech, dressing and human relations.

“ Adorn yourselves  with modest apparel  ,with shame sacredness  and sobriety not with braided hair  gold ,or pearls or costly array,but become  women profession Godliness” She noted.

For his part,the National Administrator  for the BCS in Liberia Christ Ambassador Moses Perekeme,lauded the women for hosting the  Mansion of Blessedness 1st West African Convention in Liberia and expressing the believed that the convention came at a very auspicious time when the  father initial consecration message to the blessing Mother would be reechoed.

Christ Amb.  Perekeme who served peace keeper for three years with West African forces during the Liberia civil crisis noted that it shall become major milestone in the efforts at consolidating the creative Based for all Blessed Mothers in the New Kingdom.

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