LIBERIA: AG Churches Successfully End National Conference In Fishtown, Elects New Officers
From E. Varney Kamah, GNN Correspondent In Maryland County*

Officials and members of the Assemblies of God Liberia Church in the southeast, successfully ended their National Conference in Fishtown City, River Gee County. The conference brought together participants from all Assemblies of God Churches in Liberia.
According to our Correspondent, the conference which started on the 24th of January, 2022 was colorfullyn climaxed with the holding of elections which brought onboard the newest leadership of the Assemblies of God Liberia Churches.

Those elected were Rev. Dr. Abenda Tamba, General Superintendent Elect, Rev. Emmanuel K. Zabay, Asst./ General Superintendent Elect, Rev. Josiah Mesleh, General Secretary elect, Rev. Hasting Forkeyorn, General Treasurer Elect,and, Rev. Dr. Edward Tokpah General Advisor Elect.
The outgoing leadership of the Assemblies of God Liberia was headed by the General Superintendent, Rev. Dr. Edwin A. Gbelly, who explained how he was excited over the peaceful conduct of the elections., noting, “I am overwhelmingly happy with great joy and happiness for this successful elections of my leadership, my fellow Christians in the Lord Jesus Christ, I have served this Ministry for so many years,” he told the participants of the conference.

Preaching to the Congregation Rev. Gbelly told Assemblies of God members to be obedience to the things of God from the New Testament Acts 26 V.S 13 to 32.
“Assemblies of God Reverends, Pastors, Choirs, Instrumentalists, Members I’m calling on you today to please focus on the things of God so that we all can joyfully be with our lord Jesus Christ when he shall returned. ReV: He further elaborated.

Gracing the occasion was the Senator of River Gee County Senator Conmany B. Wesseh who lauded the Assemblies of God family for their National Conference to be conducted in Fishtown City, River Gee County.
“Assemblies of God family bravo to you for choosing River Gee County this year 2022, and I’m happy most importantly because you have conducted a successful election in my County, in this gathering I’m pleased to say Congratulations to you on behalf of the Citizens of River Gee County. Senator Wesseh addressed.

The Liberia Assemblies of God has approximately 650 churches, 145,000 adherents and 1000 trained pastors. The church currently operates eight active ministerial training institutions: one Bible College and seven Bible institutes.
This church was founded by American and Canadian Pentecostal missionaries who first arrived in Liberia on Christmas day 1908, just two years after the Azusa Street revival in Los Angeles, USA. They were the first to take the gospel into the hinterlands of Liberia. After six years of their evangelism and church planting efforts in Southeastern Liberia, the Assemblies of God organization was established in the USA in 1914. Recognizing the commonality of belief and practice, the churches planted in Liberia were annexed to the Assemblies of God. The Liberia Assemblies of God is the largest Pentecostal group in Liberia, a country of 4 million people.
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