Labour Ministry Wants AML Make Direct Disbursement To Former Workers

Minister Charles Gibson

The Labour Ministry has reiterated its earlier ruling on the disbursement of pay to the former workers of ArcelorMittal Liberia by the management.

In a communication addressed to the Chief Executive Officer of Arcelor Mittal-Liberia signed by the Special Assistant to the Minister of Labour, Mr. Josephus M. Flumo, said that as per the Ministry of Labour ruling that the disbursement is to be made to the former workers directly by AML management based on the attached names and amount to each beneficiaries which accompanied the ruling, and not through any “Law Firm” none via any “Escrow account”.

“The Ministry of Labour acknowledge receipt of your letter dated September 23, 2021 about received on September 27, 2021 via email. In the said letter you informed the Minister of your obedience to the decision of the Ministry of Labour to pay AML’s aggrieved former workers the amount US$308K in settlement of the complaint against your Management.”

The communication further noted that all applicable taxes are for the account of AML and not deductible from the beneficiaries’ money; based on the fact that AML is not adding interest to their money for the length time they have been derived of their money.

“The Minister wants me to inform you that the decision of the Ministry of Labour was clear and unambiguous with regards to the method of disbursement and would expect no further delays in the commencement of disbursement. The Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Justice and National Bureau Concession will only serve as Compliance Monitors as is contained in the ruling.”

“You will note that the Ministry of Labour decision fell short of imposing a fine on AML for unfair Labour Practice, which is applicable in such case under the Labour Law of Liberia. In this Light, the Minister wants to inform you that AML’s continuous delays in implementing the decision may lead the Ministry to consider this option.

The Ministry of Labour expects nothing less than full and immediate compliance of its decision to the letter.”

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