Kenyans with expired US visas spared from Trump’s crackdown

By Hilary Kimuyu and Agencies |

President Uhuru Kenyatta and US President Donald Trump converse during the official visit by President Kenyatta and the First Lady to the White House in Washington DC. PHOTO | NATION

Kenyans who have overstayed their visa in the United States are not among Africans who will be targeted in President Donald Trump’s latest order for a crackdown on visa overstays.

The White House has said it plans to crackdown on the hundreds of thousands of foreign visitors who have overstayed their US visas.

According to the US Today newspaper, the crackdown will target 12 per cent of immigrants who travel to the US on short-term visas but fail to leave upon expiry.

Based on President Trump’s guidelines, 21 countries whose 35,442 citizens overstayed their US visas in 2018 could face sanctions.

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