Judiciary Workers In Rivercess County Protest For Delayed Of Eight Months Salaries

Courts in Rivercess County are said to be paralyzed as a result of protest by Judicial workers in demand of their eight salaries, a situation they protesting judicial workers said have hampered their daily lives.
Confirming the protest, Rivercess County Resident Circuit Judge, D. Onesimus Banwon speaking to Ok Fm, also used the protest of the workers to publicly appeal to the Chief Justice of Liberia Her Honor Sie-A-Nyene Gyapay Youh on the payment of the workers’ salaries.
Recently Her Honor Chief Justice, Sie-A-Nyene Yuoh described the reduction in the salaries and benefits of justices of the Supreme Court and judges of subordinate courts as a violation of the constitution of Liberia.
The Chief Justice spoke while delivering her debut speech as chief justice at the annual convention of the Liberia National Bar Association, said, it is common knowledge that the remuneration and standardization law has impacted the judiciary in a negative manner.
The Chief Justice said Article 72[a] of the 1986 Constitution clearly states that “…allowances and benefits paid to Justices of Supreme Court and subordinate Courts may by law be increased but may not be diminished except under a national program enacted by the legislature, nor shall such allowances and benefits be subject to taxation.”
This provision of the law, the Chief Justice said, is meant to ensure that Justices and judges are adequately compensated for their services, given the Constitution’s provision against the group of employees from partaking in any activities by themselves or with others for economic gains or benefits, as is allowed the members of the other two branches of government.
She however called on her fellow justices and judges not to be deterred, admonishing them to continue to honorably serve the people of Liberia by dispensing justice freely, fairly, and independently.
You admonished magistrates to utilize the medium available to them in channeling their grievances and other concerns, rather than individually seeking an audience with her for said purposes.
The channels, she said, include the office of the Court Administrator through the submission of quarterly reports; and Circuit Judge, who has direct supervision of the respective magisterial judications or through a professional association, such as the National trial Judges Association.
The Chief Justice then cautioned all judicial actors, including lawyers and judges, to make it an obligation to stick to the text of the law. She stressed that, as judicial actors, they bear legal and moral obligation to ensure that application of the law is done in keeping with the spirit and intent of the framers of the law.
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