It is a season of joy, multiple celebrations and gratitude to God for the Ejime family

Barrister Onyinyechukwu Ella Ejime being escorted by her father Paul Ejime

The very colourful traditional marriage of Barrister Onyinyechukwu Ella Ejime, daughter of Mr. Paul and Mrs. Adeline Ejime to Mr Chukwudi Moses Okereafor took place on the 31st August 2019 in Lagos. This was followed by the couple’s equally fascinating Church wedding ceremony last Saturday, the 14th of September in the UK.

Then Mr. Paul and Mrs. Adeline Ejime marked their 31st wedding anniversary on the 17th of September with a lunch sponsored by the newlywed after a post-wedding Thanksgiving Service on Sunday.

The well-attended UK wedding ceremony held at the Citygate Church, Bournemouth, was graced by family members, friends, colleagues and well-wishers with Registrar Bernie Gordon presiding over the signing of the marriage register.

In his Homily before blessing and pronouncing the couple as husband and wife, Citygate Pastor Tim Francis had enjoined them to always put God first in their marriage. He reminded the newlywed and the congregation that the essence of life and living “is to honour and please God,” adding that a God-fearing couple would make a successful marriage.

The Bride’s entrance song “Can’t help falling in Love,” was performed by Ms Blessing Onyeulo with Mr Ejime walking down the aisle with his daughter Ella behind the bridal train. Moses and other members of the groom’s team were already seated and anxiously waiting!

Other highlights of the ceremony included Mr Ejime handing his daughter over to Moses with Chris and Raphael Ejime offering the prayer. The Bible reading was taken by Abraham Okereafor and the worship songs rendered by Ms Onyeulo and King’s Delight Group led by Sean Theunissen.

The couple, resplendent in their dazzling wedding outfits made their marital vows and later signed the register witnessed by the Registrar and the couple’s relatives.

The Church service was followed by a reception which featured speeches, games, a toast to the couple, cutting of the wedding cake and the couple feeding each other.

There was so much to eat and drink, complemented with music and dancing by the couple and the attendees to round off the successful ocassion after a vote thanks by the newlywed.

During the couple/prarents’ dance, Mr Ejime paired with his daughter Ella, while Mrs Edna Okereafor danced with her son Moses to the delight of all present.

It was truly a day to remember!

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