Internews USAID Election Fellows Tour Polling Centers

Internews USAID election fellows and their Mentors are touring various polling centers in Monrovia and it’s environs to interview voters about the ongoing election.

The team headed by Internews USAID country representative, Lien Bach noticed that turned out of voters was not overcrowded as compared to the first round, but the few centers that voters queued out to  vote.

Speaking to reporters, voters queued to vote said they are pleased to vote for their president, for the National Election Commission workers said today’s  turned out was not impressive as compared to the October 10 election

However, many of those  in queued out to vote expressed happiness for the process, said today’s election was free due to the level of turned out.

Speaking to a representative of NEC about the poor turned out today, said Liberian people used to coming late at their preferred place work, people will come later, he explained.

For parties poll  workers who spoke to our staff  also expresses pleasure of the process, and prayed that the result will be peaceful at the end

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