In Maryland County: Three Kids Arrested With Human Skulls
From E. Varney Kamah

Police in Harper City, Maryland County have arrested three children for their alleged involvement in the digging out of human skulls from nearby grave site in the Hoffman Station Township, Harper district, Maryland County.
According to GNN Maryland County Correspondent, the three who were arrested by Hoffman Station Community Watch Forum with the human skulls are identified as Alphonse Nevis age 14, George Satia 14, and Hilary Prowd 16.
The three upon their arrest were reported to Commissioner of the Township, Sumo Prowd who forwarded the teenagers to the National Police for further investigation. The Commissioner however expressed fear over the situation while indicating that was the first of its kind since his ascendancy.
“This is the very first time since I was appointed as commissioner for Hoffman Station Township here in Maryland County. “it is indeed a surprised to me to seeing teenagers involved in such a difficult activity. I want to inform you that this case is bigger than me, therefore, I’m doing everything possible to involve the Authorities of Maryland County Prowd narrated.
He further narrated that the grave which was allegedly dug by the three boys belongs to the Allison family in Hoffman station.
The three suspects, however giving separate accounts of the story said the human skull in their possession was not meant for any ritualistic purpose.
George Satia giving his account of their actions said, On May 6, after eating with his colleagues at night they taught to have paid a visit to the grave site in Hoffman station and suddenly discovered that a human skull was seen outside one of the graves while approaching the Grave site.
“We got through eating and left our house to at least play outside but since the grave is not too far from us we plan to go there and sit to lecture.
While going close to the grave we saw the human skull and that is how we went closer and remove it from the hole and carry it outside of the graveyard and kept it in the bathroom to scare our friends with it.” George stated.
For his part, Alphonso Nevis stated that the skull was brought out of the gravesite to scare their peers and not for anything negative.
The action of the teenager has created fear amongst residents of Hoffman station township as many believe the action of the kids might be for political reasons as Liberia fast approach the General and presidential elections in October.
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