“I Need My 53.3 Diamond Carat” – Woman Demands

The lady who recently discovered the biggest diamond, 53.3 carat in the history of diamond mining in Liberia, Fatu Borbor in western Liberia specifically in Gbarpolu County is demanding the Liberian Government to handover diamond which valued 7.3 million United States dollars.
Explaining her nightmare to reporters recently, madam Borbor said, “I am appealing to our President, George Weah to come to my rescue by returning to me my diamond discovered in my creek by her brother-in-law identified, Mohammed Kamara.
Madam Borbor said she has been paying her taxes to the government for more than 40 years, so no one tells her that she is not paying taxes to the national government, “I need my diamond” she said. “I am appealing to President George Manneh Weah to intervene in these diamond issues that will benefit the district and county at large.
For his part, President of the Liberia Gold and Diamond Brokers Association, Fallah B. Kamara has accused Assistant Emmanuel T.T. Swen of the Ministry of Mines who is planning o give the diamond to the wrongful person for this personal reason.
Meanwhile, the Brokers president said Iron Jacket found the diamond at a diamond creek called Claim #9 which is owned by Fatu Nyumah, popularly called Ma Fatu Borbor.
According to Kamara, Iron Jacket usually works at the mine and it was on one of his regular routines that he found the precious stone; he later told the town people that he found the diamond at Ma Fatu’s creek or Claim#9 and the news spread like wildfire.
The Brokers president said he was informed by a group of people including Manju Kamara, no relation to him, former president of the Brokers Association, that Iron Jacket found the mineral at Claim #9.
The brokers boss said he instructed Manju and the team to report to the Ministry of Mine and Energy who has jurisdiction over mineral matters to ensure the right things are and for all parties to benefit.
According to Fallah Kamara, Iron Jacket found the diamond at a diamond creek called Claim #9 which is owned by Fatu Nyumah, a veteran mineral dealer and mine owner believed to be in her mid-70s. She is widely known as Ma Fatu Borbor
I am a member of the Board of Directors of Liberia Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (LEITI).
“I have no interest in this diamond issues, I just want this diamond to be given to the rightful owner”
For his part, the Assistant Minister Emmanuel T.T. Swen denied the allegation and said if the aggrieved party is not satisfied with its ruling; it can seek redress to the court.
All of the parties agreed that the stone was found by Mohammed Kamara, a “Jack-with-all-trick man” that is popularly called “Junior” or “Iron Jacket” on Eid al-Fitr, the Muslim holidays that marks the end of the month-long dawn-to-sunset fasting of Ramadan in Smith Town.
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