Gun rights activists rally at state capitols nationwide

A man wears a patriotic-themed cowboy hat during a pro-gun-rights rally at the state capitol, Saturday, April 14, 2018, in Austin, Texas. (Photo: Eric Gay/AP)

(Yahoo News) – Gun rights supporters gathered at the state Capitol in Atlanta for one of dozens of rallies planned at statehouses across the U.S.

According to The Associated Press’ count, more than 135 attended the rally Saturday, and more were arriving. Most of them were armed and some held signs as they listened to speeches. A few people wearing “Black Lives Matter” T-shirts made videos, but didn’t interact with the ralliers.

The rallies come less than three weeks after hundreds of thousands marched in Washington, New York and elsewhere to demand tougher gun laws after the February school shooting in Parkland, Florida, that killed 17.

A group called the National Constitutional Coalition of Patriotic Americans says organizers have permits for gatherings in 45 states. They encouraged supporters to bring unloaded rifles in states where it’s legal. (AP)

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