Former US Marine Back Home After Prisoner Swap with Russia

News media crews assemble outside the family home of former U.S. Marine Trevor Reed, who was convicted in 2019 in Russia and released in exchange for Russian pilot Konstantin Yaroshenko, in Granbury, Texas, April 27, 2022.

After nearly three years in a Russian prison, former U.S. Marine Trevor Reed is back in the United States on Thursday after a swap with a Russian held in the U.S.

Reed had been convicted of endangering the lives of two Moscow police officers while drunk. The U.S. called the trial a “theater of the absurd.”

Reed arrived in his native Texas and will spend a few days in a military hospital to monitor his health.

“It’s been (a) very exciting day for The Reed family. Trevor is back in the USA,” Reed’s mother, Paula Reed, tweeted early Thursday.

Reed was exchanged for Russian pilot Konstantin Yaroshenko, who had been convicted of trying to smuggle drugs into the U.S. He had been arrested by U.S. special forces in Liberia in 2010.

The official swap reportedly took place at an airport in Turkey.

“The American plane pulled up next to the Russian plane, and they walked both prisoners across at the same time, like you see in the movies,” said Trevor’s father, Joey Reed.

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