EDITORIAL: Gov’t Must Be Proactive In Bringing To Justice Those Link To Killings, Disappearances Of Innocent Liberians

GNN INVESTIGATION HAS uncovered that Liberians nowadays are in fear due to sequence of unwanted killings and disappearances in Liberia, making specific references of employees of the country’s anti-graft institutions, urging the CDC-led government to speedily bring this threatening situation under control.
IN LESS THAN a year, five persons from the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) and the Liberia Internal Audit Agency (LIAA) have reportedly died mysteriously, with the latest disappearance of another LRA employee, Mr, Sayon Moore, a resident of the ELWA Community and assigned at the Real Estate Division as Enforcement Officer whose whereabouts is still unknown.
SUCH NEWS COMING from Liberia’s anti-graft institutions is indeed scaring and worrisome, as Liberians are wondering as why only employees of anti-graft institutions are always the victims of this unwanted incidents; the alleged mysterious deaths and now the disappearance of another employee.
GNN-LIBERIA WILL like to urge the CDC-led government to be more proactive in launching series of investigations in tracking down those would-be assassins that are rooming the corridor of peaceful citizens with their unwholesome of acts aimed at killing innocent citizens including their alleged disappearing.
AGAIN WE WANT to call on the government to be more proactive in arresting these situations, in order to speedily bring relief to peaceful citizens, many of whom are employees of these anti-graft institutions that are in recent time have been affected.
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