CSA Boss Wants Govt. Workers Pursuit Career Driven Path -As Civil Servants Snatched CSAL’s Awards

Pictorial of the 4 Honorees, CSA Boss and CSAL President

The Director General of the Civil Service Agency (CSA) says his agency is working assiduously to ensure that civil servants do not stray away from their technical assigned functions and diverge into active and vocal politics.

According to James A. Thompson, while the CSA mandate primarily focus on the protection of civil servants rights and to guide them through the merit system with everyone having equal opportunity to employment and promotion, civil servants must remain career driven void of politics.

Mr. Thompson revealed that he once encountered a situation where civil servants got intensely involved with politics and began expressing political views that hurt the head of the agency where they work something he stressed makes it difficult to protect such individuals.

Speaking Monday at the head office of the Civil Servants Association of Liberia in Sinkor on Third Street, Mr. Thompson noted that although his agency have had a bad publicity in the media mainly for the retirement of civil servants, government through his agency is making frantic efforts to prioritize the welfare of civil servants.

He acknowledged that there were acrimonious engagements between the Civil Servant Association of Liberia (CSAL) leadership and government in the past, but called for a continuous harmonious working bond between his agency and the leadership of the CSAL and proposed to transfer some of his agency’s programs including health insurance and retirement to the CSAL for implementation.

The CSA boss then commended the four civil servants from the ministries of Internal Affairs, Mines and Energy, the General Services Agency and the Liberia institute of Professional study for their selection and the honor bestowed on them by the CSAL and challenged them not to be complacent with their various awards.

For his part, the President of the Civil Servant Association of Liberia Mr. Moibah K. Johnson said the event was aimed at gowning, certificating and presenting cash awards to deserving civil servants who were selected on the basis of merit by the respective leadership of their agencies and ministries.

Those that were honored include Madam Comfort Nyenpan, Janitor at the Ministry of internal Affairs, Madam Ruth Garwu Sandiman, a Mason at the General Services Agency, Mr. William B. Buxton of the Liberia Institute of Public Administration and Mr. Adolphus M.G.D. Gleekia, Deputy Mining Inspector at the Ministry of Mines and Energy.

Mr. Johnson used the occasion to remind civil servants that they are not politicians but rather technicians and should leave politics with the people on Capitol Hill vowing that unlike in the past where politicians infiltrated the civil service and got civil servants involved in supporting political parties, his administration will not allow such situation to prevail.

The CSAL President during the event formally launched the organization’s COVID-19 public awareness with the unveiling of detergents, nose masks and tide soaps as ten government ministries and agencies are expected to benefit.

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