Court Indicts Six With Armed Robbery, Criminal Conspiracy And Theft Of Property

The Liberian Government has indicted six defendants in three separate indictments charging them with Armed Robbery, Criminal Conspiracy and Theft of properties, five pleaded guilty and one pleaded not guilty.

Under the Liberian criminal procedure law, the guilty plea of the defendant is set aside by the court to ensure that due process of law take its course. The theory which hears before it condemned.

At trial the state/Prosecution proves its case beyond all reasonable doubt against the lone defendant that pleaded not guilty through testimonies of all the witnesses that prosecution put on the witness stand and was never refuted by the Defendant counsel.

This was a bench trial which was heard by the Resident Circuit Judge, Her Honor, Mameita Jabateh Sirleaf ESQ, the six defendants were adjudged Guilty as charged within the indictment and the judge requested for Pre-Sentencing Report from the ministry of justice before proceedings with the sentencing of the six defendants to (10) ten years each in prison.)

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