Civil Society Group Condemns Court For Disrupting LFA Extra Ordinary Congress

Sensee Kiadill

The Civil Society Network of Liberia condemns and expresses utter disappointment in sheriffs of the Monrovia Magisterial Court for disrupting the recent Extra Ordinary Congress of the Liberia Football Association.

On Saturday, November 20, 2021, sheriffs of the court, under the directive of Magistrate Quincy A.Q.Garnett of the Monrovia Magisterial Court, issued a purported writ of Summons in connection with a complaint filed by Stages Football Club, a third Division team based in Paynesville City. The Stages Football Club filed a complaint of injunction with the Monrovia Magisterial Court that the LFA President, Mr. Mustapha Rajii denied the club participation as delegate to the extraordinary congress of the LFA.

Group in a press statement said, “Our review of the nature of the complaint by the Stages Football Club shows that the writ of summons issued by Associate Magistrate Quincy A.Q.Garnett lacks all legal basis and substance to be issued. The Football Club, in its complaint to the Court confirmed that it is a third division club. As stated in its complaint to the court, the LFA membership of Congress by Statues doesn’t include third division clubs. This clearly makes Stages Football Club ineligible to any congress of the Liberia Football Association”.

The Civil Society Network of Liberia wishes to make it categorically clear that the Magistrate Quincy A. Q. Garnett of the Monrovia Magisterial Court was in absolute error to have issued a writ of summons on the President of the Liberia Football Association during its extra ordinary congress at the Samuel Kanyan Doe Complex. The actions of the sheriffs to have even issued a writ of summon on a Saturday, under Magistrate Garnett’s directive amounts to abuse of power and violations of the freedom of assembly. We see the actions of the court as an undercutting ploy intended to undermine the leadership credentials and character of Mr. Mustapha Raji.

Therefore, Civil Society Network of Liberia calls on the court not to dance or play to the political gambit of few individuals within the gallery of the LFA who intend to derail the second term bid of Mr. Mustapha Raji ahead of the LFA Elections slated for early 2022.  We also urge members of the LFA Executive Committee that are bent on creating chaos at the LFA for their personal gain to desist and focus on work collaboratively for the forward march of the Liberia Football Association.

The press statement signed by the Secretary General of the group, Francis B. S. Collins, and approved by its Executive Director, Sensee K. Kiadii noted.

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