Citizens Alarms Over Poor Road Conditions

Liberian citizens have complained of deplorable road condition and other problems facing them during both Rainy and Dry Seasons calling on the Government of Liberia to intervene.

Thinkers village in Paynesville, Gurley and Benson Street, Jallah Town and Duala are some of the areas that are currently affected.

Pedestrians, motorcyclists, petty traders, shops and store owners within these areas lament on how the bad road affects their living condition, including businesses.

According to them, the road has been repaired several times, but with substandard material (red-mud), which they say has even worsen the bad road situation, leaving it in a very bad shape. The potholes on the road is said to have caused several accidents-leaving many injured.

Efrem Brown, a shop owner, Thinkers Village said during the dry season, the dust from the road affect their market/goods, thereby causing them a great loss, as buyers find it difficult to buy.

At the same time, he stressed that the rainy season causes potholes which results in the splashing of dirty water on their goods and pedestrians by vehicles struggling to pass through the difficult road to the mean road.

Ciatta Johnson another shop owner said the Ministry of Public Works has repaired the Jallah Town road but it has consistently spoiled.

Tyrese Teah, motorcyclists reported great losses in revenue generation due to the road condition on the ground that passengers prefer to walk to avoid an accident while riding on bike.

The motorcyclist also complained that the bad road causes damages on their Motorbikes, making them spend a lot of money on repair works from their daily intake.

Students and other travelers said the road condition usually affects their movement, which delays them in getting to school because they spent time cleaning up themselves before entering classes. “Sometime we take up time wiping our uniforms, shoes, and bags until we get late”, one student said.

The deplorable condition of roads in Liberia continues to cause problems for drivers who often shy away from driving on those roads and causing a hike in prices.

Mid October is officially regarded as the end of the rainy season, but with lingering rains, travelers fear that their produce may perish before reaching the market.

Drivers traversing through Liberia reported that the deplorable condition of some roads increased the wear-and-tear of their vehicles to the point that it is not worth plying the route.

Also,citizens in rural parts of Lofa, Nimba, Sinoe, Maryland and Rivercess Counties and other parts of the southeast, truck drivers have expressed their frustrations about the muddy roads, dilapidated bridges and deep potholes that they encounter while traveling to and from these areas.

Meanwhile, citizens are calling for swift intervention from the Government of Liberia and development partners to avoid the community being cut off completely from the rest of the city.

This story is done by SheWrites, SheLeads.

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