Chuck Schumer urges FBI to investigate “troubling” FaceApp

By Emily Tillett | CBS News|

FaceApp: Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer urges FBI to investigate ” troubling” Russian app – CBS News

Millions of users have been drawn to FaceApp, a smartphone app that can instantly transform a photo of your current face into your younger and older selves. But the Senate’s top Democrat is imploring federal agencies, including the FBI, to look into the potential national security and privacy risks the Russian-based phone app poses to the United States.

In a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Federal Trade Commission chair Joseph Simons, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer suggested that the Russian-developed app could be the latest wave of Russia’s counterintelligence campaign against the U.S. The nation’s top intelligence officials previously confirmed Russia would continue to seek to sow dissension after its 2016 election meddling efforts.

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