Chiefs, Elders denounce protest at BMMC

The Chairman for Islamic Affairs in Gola Konneh district, Grand Cape Mount County has strongly detested any form of protest in the county against Bea Mountain Mining Company and any company operating in western region.
Alhaji Foday Fekei said that protest does not help in any environment. He told reporters and some citizens over the weekend at his residence.
His warning comes in the wake of rumors about planned protest by some citizens in the region. According to sources in Grand Cape Mount county, a number of people are accusing some senators, especially from Grand Cape Mount County of supporting the protest behind the scene.
But Aljhaji Fekai protest will only stall every development that have been carried out by BMMC. Already, the company has paved some major roads in the area, constructed schools market building, clinic among others.
“BMMC is doing well. My hand will never be in any protest here and we the elders here want to say that we will not support any form of protest they will bring here,” he said.
“If those who want to protest, are not happy, they should tell the people so we all can sit down and talk the matter. But to go and protest, we do not want it,” he said.
“My hand not in it. If they do it, it will be a set back to us. I do not support protest. I am advising them if they are not happy, they should call them. Do not bring noise.”
BMMC has been doing well when it comes to project they are carrying out. The Clan development fund is going on now.
“I want to make it clear that protest is not needed here,”he said.
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