Chief Judge Eva Mappy Morgan Codswallop Alleged Withdrawal Of US3.4M From Ducor Account –Part I

In order to gather detail information regarding the alleged withdrawal from Liberia Bank for Development and Investment (LDBI) of over Three Million United Dollars without the reported consent of one of the litigating parties being held in escrow, pending final determination of a commercial dispute between Ducor Petroleum Incorporated and the Monrovia Oil Trading Company, GNN has gathered that what contained in such report is false and misleading, and there has been no such amount, read part one of this running story.

In her amended brief before the honorable Supreme Court of Liberia sitting in its March term, A.D.2016, Chief Judge Eva Mappy Morgan explained in her briefing that on June 7, 2013, Monrovia Oil Trading (MOTC) filed a petition for Accounting before the Commercial Court of Liberia, against Amos P.K Brosius to have him account for petroleum products supplied by MOTC to Ducor Petroleum   (DUCOR valued at US$000,000.00.

In that briefing, a copy of which is in the possession of the GNN, the Petitioner further prayed the Court:

  1. Cause the Respondent to provide Petitioner proper accounting ogf all the several quantities of petroleum products supplied to and received by Ducor Petroleum from Petitioner;
  2. Cause the Respondent to account for all funds received and expenditure made in the name of Ducor during the period January 1, 2006 to November 9, 20133;
  3. Cause the Respondent to pay the costs of these proceedings; and
  4. Grant unto the Petitioner all that is just and equitable under the circumstances.

The Petition for Accounting was filed along with a Motion to Compel Submission to Audit based upon a December 2012 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) executed in 2012 between Mr, Brsius and MOTC with aid and in the presence of  their lawyers in December 2012  whereby the “Parties agreed that the entire records of Ducor for the seven- year period covering January 1, 2006 – November 31, 20212 and audited by an independent and competent auditing firm based in Liberia, and hereby appoint BAKER TILLY, LIBERIA (VOSCON) to conduct the audit within 30 days.

The document also revealed  in the Chief Judge, Eva Mappy Morgan that on June 17, 2013, a Writ of Injunction was issued at the instance of MOTC, restraining Mr. Brosius from representing himself as Director of Ducor and taking actions on the corporation’s  behalf, noting  a that (  that thes  and Mr. Bex by The long running trial between the Ducor Petroleum Incorporated (DPI) and theMonrovia Oil Trading Company (MOTC) drew huge public attention including the Liberian media when the accused, Amos P.K Brosius of DPI during the long standing trial complained of being denied of his rights by the Commercial Court Chief Judge, and further accused Chief Judge Morgan of illegally authorized the withdrawal of $3.4 million without the consent of one the aggrieved partiers.

But in a volume of court documents entitled “The findings of the Judiciary Inquiry Committee (JIC) ito complaint of Amos P.K. Brosius, (Complainant) against Her Honor Eva Mappy Morgan, Chief Judge Commercial Court of Liberia (Respondent).

The background of the case in question; Appellant Judge Eva Mappy Morgan’s Amended Brief noted, “On June 7, 2013, Monrovia Oil Trading Company (MOTC) filed a petition for Accounting before the Commercial Court of Liberia, against Mr. Amos P.K. Brosius to have Brosius account for petroleum products supplied  by MOTC to Ducor Petroleum (Ducor) valued at US$8000,000.00.

According to the court document, the Petition fgor Accounting was filed along with a Motion to Compel Submission to Audit based upon a December 2012 MOU executed between Mr. Brosius and MOTC with aid of and in the presence of their lawyers in December 2012 whereby the parties agreed that the entire records of Ducor for the seven-year period covering January 1, 2006-November 31, 2012 be audited by an independent and competent auditing firm based in Liberia and hereby appoint Baker Tilly, Liberia (VOSON) as the auditing firm to conduct the audit within 30 days’

The brief further continued, “On June 17, 2013, a writ of Injunction was issued at the instance of MOTC, retraining Mr. Brosius from representing himself as Managing Director of Ducor and taking actions on the corporation’s behalf, noting further the brief also said, on June 20, 2013, the Respondent file his returns to the Petition wherein admitted and declared that (i) the known incorporator of Ducor Petroleum, Incorporated, , is Cllr. Cyril Jones and that he owns 10% of Ducor while MOTC owns 90%, (ii) he is indeed entitle to two cents on every gallon old by Ducor and a commission as spelt out in the MOU, but since the commencing of operations, the Respondent    has not received any dividend on the 10% shares, even though Ducor Petroleum Incorporated, has made profit(s) over the years.

Continues in our next edition

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