CDC-Led Gov’t Troubled As Federation of Liberian Youth Threatens Protest , If Removed From 2019/20

Credit FPA

The CDC-led Government of President George Manneh Weah is by the day encountering numerous  challenges in the first term of its administration, from the June 7th awaited protest nationwide by the Council of Patriots, now the Federation of Liberian Youth (FLY) has threatened another mass protest at the national Legislature if his administration removes the Federation from the 2019/2020 fiscal budget and place it at the will and pleasure of the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

According to FLY,  the latest decision by the Liberian government through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning is a deliberate attempt to silence the umbrella youth organization and to micromanage its activities.

Speaking to reporters in Monrovia Wednesday, Amos Williams, president of FLY, said his organization will resist the decision as it undermines international protocols like the African Youth Charter, to which the Liberian government is a signatory.

Williams threatened to mobilize the youthful population in the 15 counties to continuously protest against President Weah, “who was overwhelmingly elected by over 65% of the very young people”.

He said it is unfortunate to leave the organization at the mercy of Minister Zeogar Wilson, something he stressed will undermine the independence of FLY and serve as a breeding ground for rampant corruption.

Meanwhile, Williams is calling on President Weah to urgently intervene in order to revert the planned decision by the Ministry of Finance, adding that FLY was enacted by the Legislature as such it must be fully funded by the Liberian government.

The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning recently released a brief in which it disclosed plans of allocating a lump-sum amount of money to a particular line Ministry to determine and allocate it as it sees it necessary.

Meanwhile, FLY is calling on the Liberian leader to act on the recent report released by the General Auditing Commission about the use of US$25 million for extracting excess Liberian dollars from the economy. FLY wants the government to prosecute officials of government indicted in the report.

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