Carter Center Rep Wants GoL Wage On Impunity And Corruption

By Dyujay Jackson
Mr. Dorbor Jallah

The Country Representative of Carter Center Liberia Dr James Dorbor Jallah, wants the government of Liberia wage an all out war on impunity and corruption.

Dr. Jallah said in doing so the government of Liberia should ensure to straightened the proper administration of the justice system.
Speaking Thursday during program making the induction ceremony of the newly elected officers of the Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia Dr Jallah said when straightened will narrow the gap of difficulties in the justice system.
He remind members of the Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia of the many challenges confronting the country, ranging from pre trial detainees, access to justice, among others.
The Carter Center boss encourage the female lawyers to continue the fight against vices in society.
According to Dr James Dorbor Jallah the government needs to make deliberate efforts to increase stakeholders understanding of the justice system.
,,The new corps of officers , as you take up these positions, are would like to remind you of the many challenges confronting our justice system not least of which is that many pre trail detainees are languishing in jail far beyond the statutory period without trial.they are yarning for freedom and civil liberty.,Dr James Dorbor Jallah said.
He also admonished members of the Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia on the core objectives of their organization which is to strengthen their legal aid clinic that engages in mediation as a first option of giving relief to the parties , and reducing the case load on the courts dockets .
The Carter Center Country Representative James Dorbor Jallah also recommend that the government of Liberia should strengthen the link between the customary and formal justice system.
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