Cameroon Civilians Bury Fighters in Mass Graves After Military Raids

Yaounde, Cameroon —  Cameroon’s military said civilians this week buried scores of separatist fighters in mass graves after troops launched raids on rebel strongholds in the country’s western regions. A separatist spokesman accused Cameroon’s military of executing their captured fighters, which the military denies.

A video widely shared on the social media showed in Guzang, a village in Cameroon’s English-speaking North-West region, digging a mass grave for eight bodies. The people in the video say seven of the corpses they are burying were separatist fighters and one was a civilian.

Cameroon’s military confirmed Thursday that civilians buried separatist fighters killed by government troops in Guzang. The military said it conducted raids in the past week in North-Western towns and villages including Guzang, Batibo, Wum, Ndu, Kumbo and Bafut, where separatists were attacking and harassing civilians.

Cameroonian authorities blamed anglophone separatists for kidnappings for ransom, disrupting traffic, and attacks on public buildings controlled by the central government in Yaounde.

The military said more than 40 fighters, including three self-proclaimed separatist generals, were killed in the raids.

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