Bush Overwhelms Supt. Compound In Bong County?
By Emmanuel Mafelah| GNN Central Liberia Correspondent |
Once the most powerful and well protected building in Bong County, the structure hosting the home of the Superintendent of the County has heavily been engulfed by bush.
Superintendent Esther Yamah Walker who took over from former Bong County Superintendent Madam Selena Polson Mappy about seven months ago, has not even been able to stay at her official home (the Superintendent compound) as a result of dirt and animals feces around the building.
The Superintendent Compound have drastically lost beautification as grass continues to enter the Superintendent’s house and other public building including the Gbarnga Administration building.
Our Bong County Correspondent’s who tour has established that the passersby and residents of nearby communities are using the abandoned backside of the Superintendent’s compound as a place for defecation.
The back of the Administration building faces the National Election Commission Bong County head office which has also been used by some members of nearby communities to attend to nature’s call.
According to our Bong County Correspondent, the entire Superintendent compound does not currently represent the County.
Our Correspondent says NGO Workers, especially those that go to Gbarnga for workshop usually complain about the poor maintenance of the facility.
On the other hand the Gbarnga City Hall is constantly been rented by the County’s leadership without account of how the money is been used.
During the administration of ex-Superintendent Mappy, some members of a local women group under the banner “Whlekerma Women United for Development” (WAWUDE) were usually seen at the two public facilities working to ensure facelift.
Despite the collection of city fees from Business practitioners in Gbarnga, the Gbarnga City Corporation has paid deaf ears to the situation as the GCC Boss Madam Lucia Hebert has just return from the United States of America.
Even though she promised to give the city facelift during her induction as GCC Boss, but nothing has been done about the situation since her preferment as GCC boss .
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