Former Boeing quality manager John Barnett has died in the United States.(ABC News)

Boeing whistleblower and former employee John Barnett found dead in US

By Rani Hayman |

MCU of former Boeing Quality Manager John Barnett sitting in his house wearing a white open collared shirt and grey jacket

In short: Former Boeing worker John Barnett, who filed a whistleblower claim alleging the company retaliated against him for repeatedly reporting defects, has died in the US.

He had recently been giving evidence against the aircraft manufacturer in a lawsuit in the city of Charleston.

A spokesman for Boeing has told the ABC the company is “saddened by Mr Barnett’s passing” adding, “our thoughts are with his family and friends”.

A former Boeing worker who warned of production defects β€” ignored by the company β€” has been found dead in the US state of South Carolina.

John Barnett had been employed by Boeing for more than three decades, working on the factory floor until he retired in 2017.

Mr Barnett filed a whistleblower claim against Boeing alleging the company retaliated against him for repeatedly reporting defects.

A credit-card sized sky-blue identification card with a photo of an older man, his full name and the Boeing logo.

John Barnett spent 30 years working for Boeing.(Supplied: John Barnett)

He had recently been giving evidence against the aircraft manufacturer in a lawsuit in the city of Charleston.

Mr Barnett died from what appeared to be a “self-inflicted” injury, according to the Charleston County Coroner’s Office.

It has added Charleston City Police Department is the investigating agency and “no further details are available at this time”.

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