Ben Carson Wants To Roll Back An Obama-Era Fair Housing Rule

U.S. Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson lambasted the current fair housing rule as “suffocating.”
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson is pushing ahead with plans to roll back an Obama-era rule aimed at combating housing segregation.
Carson announced Monday that HUD had formally begun the process of revamping the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule, a July 2015 regulation that had required communities and local governments receiving federal funding to identify and address any barriers to fair housing like racial segregation.
The rule had been seen as a belated effort by HUD to strengthen the landmark 1968 Fair Housing Act, which prohibits race discrimination in the sale and rental of housing, according to The Washington Post.
But Carson, who has denounced government efforts to desegregate housing in America as “failed socialist experiments,” said in a statement that while his department “believes very deeply in the purposes of the Fair Housing Act,” he criticized the current rule for dictating “often … unworkable requirements and actually imped[ing] the development and rehabilitation of affordable housing.”
“It’s ironic that the current AFFH rule, which was designed to expand affordable housing choices, is actually suffocating investment in some of our most distressed neighborhoods that need our investment the most,” Carson said.
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