Amos C. Sawyer College Dean Receives Prestigious Award from University’s Scholars

Associate Professor Dr. Josephus Moses Gray, Dean of Amos C. Sawyer College of Social Sciences and Humanities has won the prestigious: “Most Progressive Dean of Year Award” at the University of Liberia.The prestigious Progressive Dean’ of the Year 2021-2022 Award was bestowed upon the Amos C. Sawyer College’s Dean by the leadership of the 2021-2022 class of the institution for his visible and extraordinary contributions towards higher education, faculty capacity building, career development and several developmental initiatives.

Dr. Gray is the winner of this inaugural award which honors and recognizes Dean for demonstrates leadership, excellence interactions and guidance in working with students and faculty in the framework of outstanding creative and innovative activities as well as the new the trajectory of the College and the reintroduction of compulsory essay exams and thesis across the entire college. Under his leadership, the Amos c. Sawyer College has propelled itself far above redemptive glamour and has prestigiously positioned on a new academic trajectory that establishes a profound unique collaboration and partnership with other sisterly globally recognized institutions of higher learning echelon and universities across the globe, particularly West Europe, United States of America, Asia, and West Africa, with North and South African in play.

The distinguished graduates described Dr. Gray as a highly accomplished Dean whose office doors are always opened to students and faculty. According to the students, Dr. Gray as a Dean understands student’s plight, kind, compassionate towards others and very accessible despite of his enormous workloads. The award was presented to Dr. Gray on Thursday, 14 March 2024 at the Conference Room of UL President by the Director of Protocol, Madam Dekontee Tubman on behalf of the leadership of the 2021-2022 Class.

Under the administration of Dr. Josephus Moses Gray, Dean of the Sawyer College, there are more full-time faculty members then part-time faculty members. For the four and half years Dr. Gray served as Dean of the college, about 125 faculty members have been fully employed while over 30 staffs have been employed. The Dean is much grateful to the President of UL, Dr. Nelson for said employment and support towards the college in its development and new trajectory.

“I am deeply honored and humbled to be selected from among 2000 faculty members at the University by distinguished graduates of this great institution, I’m personally devoted to hard work and development of faculty and staffs’. Under Dr. Gray’s guidance, the Amos C. Sawyer College has developed international reputation, broaden academic ties with other universities and colleges and with the support of the President of the University of Liberia, Prof. Dr. Julius Julukon Sarwolo Nelson, several students are studying abroad for master’s and doctorate studies in various disciplines.

Vivid Reflection of Amos C. Sawyer College

The Unblemished Evidence of Landmark Achievements of Amos C. Sawyer College under the dynamic leadership of the Dean, Associate Prof. Josephus Moses Gray are highlighted below. These praiseworthy tangible achievements wouldn’t have been possible without the support of  our student-faculty centered Presiden tProf. Dr. Julius Julukon Sarwolo. Nelson, Jr.One of West Africa’s oldest and renowned Colleges, the Prof Amos C. Sawyer College of Social Sciences and Humanities (formerly Liberia College) of the University of Liberia,  the pioneer  and torchbearer of tertiary with indelible imprint on education in Liberia with history of academic excellence and praiseworthy tangible achievements in the educational sector; and beyond  Liberia’s distinct borders, has propelled itself far above redemptive glamour, and has prestigiously positioned itself on a new academic trajectory that establishes a profound unique collaboration and partnership with other sophisticated sisterly and globally recognized institutions of higher learning- universities across the globe, particularly West Europe, United States of America,  Asia, and West Africa, with North and South African included.

This article gives a detailed overview of the major accomplishments under the leadership of UL President’s, Prof. Dr. Julius Julukon Sarwolo. Nelson. The article mainly focuses on the accomplishments of Amos C. Sawyer College under the leadership of Associate Professor Dr. Josephus Moses Gray. It also discusses the data of faculty and courses offered, faculty on study level, death, faculty academic ranking, and academic activities of the entire College.

The report further includes synopsis which provides an overview of each academic department and unit as well as the Dean’s office.  The report begins with a critical look at hard earned achievements and beyond that, it also contains statistics of faculty, courses, sections  and academic ranks, ties with sisterly colleges and universities, faculty on study leave, tour of research activities (development), publications, new academic programs, extra-curriculum activities, development and capacity building programs.

This unwavering dream in enhancing the status of the University of Liberia (UL) among other higher institutions of learning on the globe, is derived from the philosophy of the institution-students-centered-president, Prof. Dr. Julius Julukon Sarwolo. Nelson also projects his academic outreach crusade to elevate UL on a new academic route enriched with the widely acclaimed quality education, coupled with the academically refined knowledge and wisdom of the faculty’s capacity, development, and students’ exchange inspiration.

These achievements can not only be referred to as magnificent milestone, but by extension, described as a “great redemption” for the College, particularly the University and state specifically.  Without an iota of doubts, the College can boost of numerous achievements despite of the severe and dreadful consequences of the Coronavirus Pandemic which weighed seriously on the global societies.

These new MoUs seasoned with extensively celebrated quality of education, including high valued, professionally tested with globally accepted results academically, spiced with attractively tasteful knowledge and wisdom uniquely enriched for the faculty’s capacity, development, along with students’ exchange inspiration, have been at the very heart of progress accrued.    C  Considering the spirit of truism, the Scripture did not miss its words when stated that cast your bread upon the waters and after many days you shall reap your benefits; equally so, the aftermath indeed, became a fruitful and resounding reality wherein, less than two years, the College has entered into several landmark  Memoranda        of Understanding (MoU) successfully featuring five universities and Colleges in Richmond, Mississippi State, America; Paris, France; New Delhi, India; Savannah, Georgia; Tilburg, Netherlands and Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Besides the MOUs, the Savannah State and Tilburg Universities, the rest of the MOUs are signed by Dr. Nelson.

These institutions include Sharda University in New Delhi, India; Hinds Community College in Mississippi, USA; Paris Graduate School. France; Savannah, State University, USA; Tilburg University, Netherlands and L’ University Charles Louis De Montesquieu (UCLM) Cocody, Abidjan, Republic of Côte d’Ivoire. While another Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Sawyer College and the Rhode University, Cape Town, South African is being worked on for possible partnership.     The MOU among the institutions of higher learning were signed by Prof.  Dr. Nelson and his counterparts including Dr. Ashok Daryani, President, Sharda University; Prof Urban AMOA,  Le Recteur, Charles Louis De  University, Dr. Stephen Vacik, President, Hinds Community College, and Dr. Souha Akiki, President of Paris Graduate School in Paris.

Faculty Statistics and Gender

For the current academic year, Amos C. Sawyer College has 276 faculty members of which 242(88%) represents males and 34(12%) recorded for females.  Out of the total 276 faculty, 121 (44%) represents Part-time faculty while 155(56%) recoded for Full-time faculty. Further, the faculty breakdown for the period under reviewed shows 62(22%) representing faculty with Bachelor’s degrees. While 199 (72%) recorded for faculty with Master’s degrees and 15 (6%) are doctorate degree holders. For the same period, the College offered 670 sections across the four campuses.

Faculty Status (Academic Rank)

The academic ranks of faculty of the College include four Professors, (1%); Seven (7) Associate Professors, (3%); 16 Assistant Professors (6%); 78 Instructors (28%); 50Teaching Assistant (18%) and 121 Adjunct (44), respectively.  Interestingly, the students and faculty of UL will be the most beneficiaries from these unique sealed major academic collaboration and partnership in the areas of quality education and academic excellence in the pool of enormous openings which stand to benefits a cross sectors of faculty, staffs and students of the Sawyer College by extension, the University of Liberia.

The pool of enormous benefits that students, staffs and faculty of Sawyer College now enjoy with these universities and higher learning institutions including full tuitions and fees wavier  for BA, MA and Ph.D.  Studies Program for the entire duration of the program while other waived 50% of tuitions and fees for each academic year for the duration of the entire degree program.  Inspired by the prevailing economic constraints attended by numerous challenges, the Amos C. Sawyer College continues to strive vigorously uphold its core values of academic excellence, embracing the change, introduces new evaluation methods to measure students’ academic progress and critical thinking. The College is well respected, especially as pioneer of tertiary education in the country. The accumulated successes of the College are categorized into key, specific and other achievements. The College also strives to be among the most innovative academic institutions and remains committed to empowering for fruitful and futuristic accolades for its students backed by the requisite knowledge and practical skills vital to achieving personal and professional successes.

Key Achievements

Eleven (11) Teaching Assistants from the Department of Demography are back in the country after completion of a one- year Master of Arts (MA) program in Population Studies from the Institute for Population Studies, University of Ghana, Legon. (2)  Additionally, 20 faculty and staff from Amos C. Sawyer College are pursuing master and doctorate studies in various disciplines abroad through the sponsorships and established ties with sisterly universities.

Of the 39 faculty and staffs, eleven (11) are in India and seven (7) in China for master’s studies.  (3) Amos C. Sawyer College (ACC) through an internationally recognized academic excellence performance of Mr. Matthew Gonmah, a part-time faculty from the Social Work Unit, has won an Academic Education Essay Competition among foreign students in Parul University, Gujarat, India.

Mr. Gonmah is pursuing MA in Social Work at Parul University; (4) A leader of female students has been recognized by the Visitor of the University and Former President of Liberia, His Excellency, Dr. George Mannah Weah who had acknowledged this cornerstone achievement of female enrollment at Liberia College; (5)  The establishment of the Departments of Chinese Languages and Culture, and Fine and Performing Arts to offer BA degree; (6) Research and quality learning at Amos C. Sawyer College are treated with emphasized importance and seriousness (7).

In continuation, the introduction of essay exams by the College as a new academic method of assessing students’ evaluation in final exams; (8)  The College’s new academic requirement for candidates to present and defend their thesis before the College’s Thesis Committee, in accordance with the College’s approved curricula by the ACC and Faculty Senate; (9) Sharda University School of Humanities and Social Sciences offer for a semester, students’ exchange program; (10) The first    tertiary institution in the Republic to confer degree; (11) Confucius Institute has greatly promoted Sino-Liberia educational and cultural exchanges and cooperation (12) More than 1000 students have graduated with certificate, diploma and minor from Confucius Institute.

At the same time, (13) launched it French by Radio that is available twice a week on LUX FM; (14) Institute of Population Studies trained 610 local government staff and traditional leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on population and development in 2003-2004; (15) IPS collaborated with Liberia Institute for Statistics & Geo-Information Services for the conduct of the 2022 Liberia Population and Housing Census; (16) Over  15 honored students in the Department of geography;  (17) Held two major intellectual discourses prior to the October 10 and November 14 runoff elections.

Specific Achievements  

Female graduates during the 2021-2022 convocation obtained higher academic GPAs than male students with the same evaluation and exam;(2)  Females outpaced men at the 2021/2022 graduation held by the College; (3) Fortunately, the valedictorian of the class was a female and out of the 214 graduates, 115 were females and 99 males, respectively; (4) Out  of 36 students who graduated with GPA of 3.00 and above, 19 graduates were female and 17 male graduates, wherein, female graduates accounted for over 60 percent of the total graduates from the College;

Again, (5) Out of 64 graduates who participated in the final oral thesis defense and presentation exercise before the seven-member-committee, the first four best performed and outstanding students were females; (7) 80 percent of graduates whose GPA ranged from 2.7 to 3.5 were females showing the male graduates’ preformed far below their female’s counterpart;(8) For the first time in the College’s 162 year-history, a female has been appointed as an Associate Dean. She is Assistant Prof. Dr. Tanya A. Garnett.

Moreover, (9)  additional two females in persons of Assistant Prof. Dr. Kula Thomas Williams and Mrs. Paula M. Kendor have been appointed as heads of the Departments of English and Language Studies and French Studies respectively; (10)More females have been hired in administrative positions including Record Officers and Administrative Secretaries; (11) The past three convocation Speakers of the College have been females (They are: Assistant Prof. Kula Fofana, 101st  Convocation Speaker; Mrs. Saundra Berry Hall, 102nd

Convocation Speaker and Cllr. Asatu Bah Kanneh, 103rd   Convocation Speaker; (12) Two females were extraordinary during the 2022 final thesis oral defense and presentation.

The two graduates Miss Danielle Wornee, 20-year-old of the Department of Social Work and Miss Juma Patricia Sando, 20-year-old, of the Department of Geography were awarded a fully-funded Master’s Degree Scholarship by the Amos C. Sawyer Foundation;(13) The past three years, all the Masters of Ceremony of the College’s Annual Academic Excellence Recognition and Honoring Programs have been females; (14)  At Sawyer College, more qualified and competent female faculty members have been hired, from 14 in  2020 to 52 female faculty members now.( 15) creating a National Social Science Curriculum for all tertiary institutions in Liberia (16) Institutes mechanisms to monitor and supervise students and faculty (17) Held successfully an Art Exhibition for the 103rd  Convocation.

Other Achievements

The appointment of Dean of Amos C. Sawyer College, Associate Prof. Dr. Josephus M. Gray to the Amos C. Sawyer Educational Foundation Board of Trustees, Dallas, Taxes, USA;(1) The College closed the historical gender gap in educational attainment and high performance;(2) Females academically surpassed the males in academic excellence including enrollment, learning and performance;  Establishment of a Research Annex for faculty and students;(3) Established a research desk to coordinate thesis, research and faculty publications.

     Equally, (4) the establishment of a Technical Working Committee for the proposed MSC and MSW programs in Sociology, Communication and Professional Writing and social Work; (5) Establishment of The Light- A literary magazine for the department of English and Languages, and Language Center by the department of English and Languages and Studies;(6)The Annual Recognition and Academic Excellence awards to honor faculty, staffs and students for outstanding performance; (7) Persistent publication of Amos C. Sawyer College’s Monthly Newsletter,  a major sources of accurate information dissemination, mirroring the College in particular and the University of Liberia in  general; (8) Persistent training for faculty Capacity building in the areas of research methodologies and pedagogy.

        In the same vein, (9) Association of Liberian students in the Republic of India on July 15, 2023 bestowed extraordinary honors on the President of the University of Liberia, Prof. Dr. Julius Julukon Sarwolo Nelson, and the Dean of the Amos C. Sawyer College Associate Professor, Dr. Josephus M. Gray; (10) The leadership of Sharda University School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Greater Norda, New Delhi, Republic of India presented honored a prestigious accolade to the Dean of Amos C. Sawyer College,  Associate Prof. Dr. Josephus M. Gray; (11) Creation of a database for the English Club and a ‘Soft and Transparent Office’.

Going further, (12) keen attention was cardinally placed on the Establishment of Fast, Easy, Economical, and Eco-friendly Dissemination of Anthology (13)Participation in USAID sponsored worked for English 101 curriculum development (14)Training for 115 members of English and Languages Faculty; (15) Establishment of a certificate program in GIS & RS of the Prof Ben Roberts Center; (16) 20 faculty members are out of the  country for Master’s and PhD studies (17) Students appreciation for Social Science 201 Introduction to Liberian society is increasing on both Campuses.

Current faculty employment status

Under the administration of Dr. Josephus Moses Gray, Dean of the Sawyer College, there are more full-time faculty members than part-time faculty members. For the four and half years Dr. Gray served as Dean of the College, about 125 faculty members have been fully employed while over 30 staffs have been employed. The Dean is much grateful to the President of UL, Dr. Nelson for said employment and support towards the College in its development and new trajectory. Under Dr. Gray’s leadership, the College has established for the first time in its history, a Faculty lounge and Research Center.

While the College is flourishing in several aspects thereby, utilizing the focus on combining practical knowledge with quality learning and teaching. Interestingly, it was the first to be established in the country and as pacesetter with a well-defined and founding mission’s torchbearer. The College remains driven by its commitment to society and is dedicated to providing quality programs and degrees in touch with the future and in a flexible and supportive environment.

The College also strives to be among the most innovative academic institutions in the world. It remains committed to unwaveringly empowering its students with the requisite knowledge and practical skills vital to achieving personal and professional successes in the changing local and global communities in which they live, work and compete on the job market.

Looking Back at Sawyer College

All of these historic and academic deals are geared towards quality education, faculty, staff and students overseas career development and exchanges to enhance the upliftment of the status of the people-centered College, mostly the University of Liberia among other higher institutions of learning on the African continent; is derived from the philosophy of the institution’s students-centered and carved by the  dynamic President, Prof. Dr. Nelson, who affixed his great ineffaceable signatures to these landmark academic deals.

Fortunately, the academic team of the Prof. Amos C. Sawyer College of Social Sciences and Humanities under the visionary, farsighted and eloquent creative stewardship of the Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Josephus M. Gray, merited a credit for tirelessly and firmly negotiating these historic establishments in the interest of the institution.

The College has continued to confer Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degrees on its graduates every convocation, and is the first tertiary institution in the Republic to confer degree. It is important to note that the Amos C. Sawyer College leads in females’ enrollment and faculty with master’s degree and doctorate across the various Colleges, Professional Schools and Graduate Programs across the entire university.

The achievement as a leader of female students has been recognized by the (then) Visitor of the University and President of Liberia, His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah who acknowledged this cornerstone achievement of female enrollment at Liberia College. The Amos C. Sawyer College through the Department of Political Science was successful in strengthening ties with the European Union Delegation Office in Monrovia and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Females’ Excellence Academic Role at Sawyer College

Over the past few years, the university particularly the Amos C. Sawyer College, because of its more females gender population, as evident by concrete data to demonstrate in which women in the College have not only closed the historical gender gap in educational attainment and high performance, but also academically, surpassed the men in academic excellence including enrollment, learning and that of performance.   This trend which puts far ahead the Amos C. Sawyer College on new academic radar as female students’ performance doesn’t appear to be slowing down any time soon as reflective of new statistics documented, rather with an upward trend portraying progressively three women students for every two men in class.

This progressive narrative which has proudly warmed the hearts and minds of all well-meaning people even prompted the Visitor of the University of Liberia and former President of Liberia, His Excellency, Dr. George Manneh Weah to have acknowledged this cornerstone achievement of female enrollment at Liberia College. The President’s acknowledgement was contained in his special statement delivered at the 101st Commencement convocation of the University of Liberia.  For instance, the past academic year, female students typically obtained higher academic GPAs than male students with the same evaluation and exams.

On the other hand, males’ engagements in extra-curricular activities and other economic ventures, which are also linked to broader socio-economic influences such as economic hardship, financial constraints, and persistent protests, tend to affect the academic performance of males in the institution.

The College is accredited for producing a high number of ‘female-graduates’ in the university every convocation. Emphatically, it is the largest platform for women in the country with the highest percentage of girls at the University of Liberia. While females outpaced men at the 2021/2022 graduation held by the College during that school year, fortunately, the valedictorian of the class was a female (and out of the 114 graduates, 115 were females and 99 males, respectively). Out of 36 students who graduated with GPA of 3.00 and above, 19 graduates were female and 17 male graduates, wherein, female graduates accounted for over 60 percent of the total graduates from the College.

Besides, out of 64 graduates who participated in the final oral thesis defense and presentation exercise in front of the seven-member-committee, the first four best performed and outstanding students were females.

Another statistics showed that 80 percent of graduates whose GPA ranges from 2.7 to 3.5 were females showing the male’s graduates preformed far below their female’s counterpart. Also, majority of the ‘DR’, ‘I’ and ‘AB’ grades are accounted for males in the College, perhaps, the males have been too engaged with non-academic activities allegedly, unnecessary protects and disruptions of normal classes. Fortunately, at Sawyer College, more qualified and competent female faculty members have been hired.

Uniquely, female-morale-building pillar, who, from 14, when he, Dr. Josephus M. Gray took over, propelled the elevation trend to 52 female faculty members including hiring of two female chairpersons for the Departments of English and French Studies, Dr. Kula Thomas Williams and Mrs. Paula M. Kendor. Equally, more females have been hired in administrative positions including Record Officers and Administrative Secretaries, Editor, News Editor, Broadcasters, Reporters, Presenters and faculty.

The past three convocation Speakers of the College have been females (They are: Assistant Prof. Kula Fofana, 101st Convocation Speaker; Mrs. Saundra Berry Hall, 102nd Convocation Speaker and Cllr. Asatu Bah Kanneh, 103rd   Convocation Speaker) and the task to introduce the speakers was given to female graduates featuring Ms. Dekontee Draper, Miss Danielle Wornee and Ms. Juma Patricia Sando. While the recent convocation’s Master of Ceremony was again, a female, Mrs. Whinell  Togar Shasha whose status was changed from a part-time faculty to a full-time faculty due to her exceptional qualities displayed as a committed and dedicated faculty.

Moreover, record also showed that females were extraordinary during the 2022 final thesis oral defense and presentation. As a result of the academic exercise, two female graduates, Miss Danielle Wornee, 20-year-old of the Department of Social Work and Miss Juma Patricia Sando, 20-year-old, of the Department of Geography respectively, outperformed the 216 graduates including male graduates during the undergraduate final thesis oral defense and were awarded a fully-funded Master’s Degree Scholarship by the Amos C. Sawyer Foundation through the instrumentality of the Dean.

Similarly, Miss Rosetta Fardolo, BA degree graduated from the Department of Communication and Media Studies, was widely voted by students of the University of Liberia as the Most Outstanding Student Leader of the Year due to her brilliant services to the students’ community. During the 2021 Academic year, Ms, Abigail Dorbor won the award.

For the past three years, all the Masters of Ceremony of the College’s Annual Academic Excellence Recognition and Honoring Programs have been females including Ms. Lina Woods of the Department of Fine and Performing Arts; Mrs. Paula M. Kendor, Coordinator, Department of French Studies and Mrs, Whinell  Togar Shasha, Instructor, Department of Communication and media Studies.

Notwithstanding, while the first female’s instructor to be hired under Dr. Gray’s leadership, was a female- Rev. Mother Siata Siaffa. May her soul rest in peace.  The graduates of the College are making tremendous contributions to societies across the international sphere with obvious outputs in numerous areas, including national development. Some graduates have risen to serve as President, Vice President, Justices of the Supreme Court, Ministers, Senators, Representatives, Ambassadors, Presidents of tertiary institutions, Heads of public corporations, Standard-Bearers of political parties, Academic Directors, Deans and Media Experts.

College received international recognition

It is also worth stating that the Amos C. Sawyer College has received international recognition (academic merit from the University of Parul in India owing to academic excellent performance of Mr. Matthew Gonmah, a part-time faculty from the Social Work Unit has won an Academic Education Essay Competition among thousands of foreign students in the Indian state of Gujarat, Republic of India. Mr. Gonmah is pursuing MA in Social Work at Parul University. Other key accomplishments include:

Establishment of new Departments

The establishment of the Department of Chinese Languages and Culture, and the Department of Fine and Performing Arts which have been granted the authority by the ACC and the Faculty Senate to offer BA degree. The College has introduced essay exams as a new method of evaluation of students in the final exams.

Faculty Lunge, Journalism Award and Major MoU

Being very cognizant of the intellectual value-kudos involving some individuals whose unflinching contributions to the academia specifically, and the greater society in general that have immensely taken the growth and developments of the educational sector wherein positively impacting the people and society; it remains the fervent aspiration to remember these illustrious characters for their imprints deeply engraved on the image of our society. In that vein, and without doubts, the College can boast of numerous achievements.

        Despite this, the severe consequence of the coronavirus scourge which transformed into a pandemic now reflects vicious imprints on the societies across the globe.

In clearly defined context; among areas of success include the establishment of Faculty Lounge named in honor of Mrs. Thelma Duncan Sawyer, widow of Prof. Amos C. Sawyer and alumna of the College; the Academic Excellence Journalism Award in memory of an illustrious Liberian, statesman and an icon of Print Journalism in Liberia, Mr. Philip N. Wesseh; Department of Creative and Performing Arts, and the signing of several MOUs with universities and higher institutions of learning  across West Europe, United States of America,  Asia, and West Africa and however, the inaugural dean’s bulletin of Liberia College should have been published earlier than now.

Merger of 16 Departments into Six

       One of the major single milestones of Liberia College is the merging of academic departments from fifteen (15) to six (6). Presently, Liberia College leads in the area of females’ enrollment. These two exquisite academic achievements stand-out as great and marvelous landmark achievements of the University of Liberia. Even, the Visitor of the University of Liberia and President of Liberia, His Excellency, Dr. George Manneh Weah has acknowledged this noteworthy cornerstone achievement of female’s enrollment at Liberia College.

Introduction of New Courses and Programs

Amos Claudia Sawyer College has also identified a number of new courses and programs that can be developed  and will be attracted to the teaching professions especially for  subjects like Social Sciences and Humanities including Communication, Media studies, English and French Language, Demography and population Studies, Geography, Political Science (International Relations, Comparative Politics and Liberian Government and Politics),  Sociology, Criminology, Arts and Crafts,  History, and Physical Education and Sports. The College has meaningfully parted company with the stumbling block of possessing non- computer illiteracy, and has eloquently trained faculty to acquire computer knowledge that will  profoundly position and equip them  to  effectively use computers which is now in the process of making computer knowledge as part of the requirements in determining and guiding the process of faculty recruitment. This exercise has so far yielded enormous dividends by not only addressing human resource needs, but has also resulted in elevating positive outcomes.

         The College has also introduced a standard-based education system which promotes equity by establishing a baseline of knowledge and skills that all students, regardless of their backgrounds, should master as part of their education. The College provides students with useful skills for a fulfilling and productive life.  Other areas include  introduction of these as a major requirement across the College for graduation, reviewed and revised curricula, faculty capacity building, provision of oversea career development for faculty members, (need for) improvement in website, coupled with updating/upgrading of academic programs, progressing actions relating to assessment and mal-shaped policies, strict adherence to academic workloads,  persistent training of faculty including capacity building in the areas of research          methodologies, pedagogy,  strengthening  management’s  oversight, faculty and staff  supervision  &  appraisals, recruitment of competence and qualified faculty and staffs, introduction of debts (debates?) among departments.

       As a means of urgent priority, the Dean has steadfastly established a research desk to coordinate thesis, research and faculty publications at the College level, as well as exams sub-committees to supervise semester examinations. The Dean’s office is currently strategizing so that the College can establish a new department in performing arts and collaboration and partnership with other colleges

Lux FM 106.5 Radio

        The reactivation and reopening of Lux FM 106.5 Radio (under the Department of Communication and Media Studies),  Station is used to propagate and project the Image of UL, and train prospective students in broadcast journalism including serving the university community and the Liberian society with fair, accurate, balanced and objective broadcasting, is another prime achievement.

       For the record, Liberia College is well-regarded and strongly valued due to its numerous achievements. The College is wildly respected for being the first in the Republic of Liberia and second in West Africa to confer degrees in several academic disciplines, and has also produced the highest number of Bachelor’s Degree graduates in the country. Hundreds of these graduates from the College have enrolled in other universities across the globe and earned masters and doctorate degrees. Some have graduated with high distinction, in several academic and professional fields of studies.

Outputs of Graduates

    Bulk of the graduates of the College since its formation in 1862, has made tremendous contributions and sequentially are rendering their invaluable services to the various communities and societies across the international sphere with obvious outputs. Some of the alumni of the College have served as president and vice presidents of the Republic of Liberia, ministers, senators, representatives, Ambassadors, Bishops, Legislators, foreign ministers, deputy ministers, commissioners, heads of public cooperation, standard-bearers of political parties, and religious leaders. 

       Indeed, others have fruitfully advanced to become Presidents, Vice Presidents, Deans, Academic Directors and Chairpersons of various departments of the University of Liberia.  Currently, some of the graduates of the College are making tremendous contributions to the global society, and serving as engineers, pilots, lawyers, scientists, bankers, auditors, professors, managers, politicians, entrepreneurs, judges, military officers, law enforcement officers, policy-makers, media tycoons, and research fellows, along with other professional fields.

Research and Thesis Writing

       Liberia College has harmonized the various academic departments’ curricula and introduced standardized research methodology course across the College. Students who successfully passed the research course are advanced for Thesis writing as a special requirement for students to fulfill a-year Baccalaureate Degree Requirements to earn a Bachelor of Arts (BA) Degree. The College has been successful in integrating research in all the degree granting departments, as a major requirement for graduation. At Liberia College, faculties pursue a full range of research interests related to their own academic disciplines.

  Faculty Peer-reviewed Publications

        In fulfilling its essential role, the College has served hundreds of thousands of individuals in the areas of academic excellence, man power development and knowledge. Interestingly, the innovative and accomplished Dean of the College has published a 680-page high-pitch research book titled: “The Effect of Diplomacy”, with the subtitle “Liberia, U.S. and China’s Triangular Relations”, has been peer reviewed and uniquely passed quality test, and now stands as a “milestone”, and “result-oriented”, based on proven scholarly writings and a profound studied. The Chair of the Department of Political Science, Assistant Professor Richmond S. Anderson has authored and published his latest book entitled: Analytical Writing: With Focus on Feature and Editorial Writing.     While Mr. Ambrose Monboe Nebo, Instructor of the Department of Political Science has authored and published a book: Introduction to Liberia Criminal justice System. Also, Mr. Benjamin G. Sumo, Instructor, Department of English and Language Studies, has published his latest Novel: Short Stories, Essays and Poems from Liberia.

Establishment of New degree Programs

    Positively, few departments including Communication and Media Studies, Geography, Political Science, Sociology and Anthropology are successful in reviewing and revising their curricula. Also, the introduction of certificate programs in the followings areas: (1) Joe Mulbah Center for Public Relations and Quality Journalism (b) Statistics Program for Middle-level statisticians (c) Geo-Information Services (d) Physical Fitness and (e) Middle-level French Language. Moreover, the induction of the Criminology Program in the faculty of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology as a new discipline at Liberia College, and   persistent career development of faculty and staffs.

Focus on Quality Education

         The College maintains academic excellence, quality teaching, broad based research and emphasizes professionalism, efficiency and productivity.   We are incredibly proud of how Liberia College responded and adapted to the adjustments needed due to the coronavirus. Not only has Liberia College adapted to meeting the change that the environment caused by COVID-19 pandemic, but we have been able to maintain academic excellence and online teaching, positioning us to provide better service for our students going forward.

Use Hybrid Learning

        The College can basically be considered as one of the leaders in the use of hybrid learning, combining online education and traditional learning.  Extensive use of the Moodle platform was made to teach many courses made use in zoom and video recording classes. All the faculty members of the College are computer-literate, and are teaching through digital education by using Moodle eLearning to carry out teaching and interact with students.

Fight against COVID-19 Pandemic

        We are incredibly proud of how Liberia College responded and adapted to the adjustments needed due to the coronavirus. Not only has Liberia College adapted to meet the changed environment caused by COVID-19 pandemic, but we have been able to maintain academic excellence and online instructional activities, wherein, positioning us to provide better service for our students going forward.  Our faculty showed remarkable commitment to enhancing the online, remote learning experience for our students

Introduction of Academic Excellence Award

   Consistent with the introduction of academic excellence award, 30 students received accolades for their outstanding academic outputs in their respective field of studies; while faculty members with master’s and doctorate degrees have increased.

Career Development

       Concerted efforts are being made by the university to seek scholarship opportunities for faculty development schemes which can help to increase the number of doctoral and master’s degrees holders and decrease bachelor’s degree holders.  Over the two academic years, the College was successful to send over 15 faculty members and staffs abroad for advanced studies in MA and Ph.D. in America, Nigeria, Ghana, India and Netherlands; established as a degree-granting College, Prof. Amos C. Sawyer College of Social Sciences and Humanities (formerly Liberia College) which serves as a flagship College of the University of Liberia is regarded as an integral part of the University.

          Since 1862, the College has traditionally served students pursuing a full-fledged, four-year undergraduate bachelor’s degrees in the most exceedingly respected professional academic disciplines. The College assists students to stay in the institution and realize their full potential and pay close attention to the progression of students from admission to graduation.

       Liberia College owes its origins to the arrival of scholars and teachers from the American Colonization Society (ACS). The School has a global reputation of outstanding academic and quality teaching achievement, and serves as a diverse community where almost the entire student enrollment of the undergraduates represents the 15 political subdivisions of Liberia. The path to reach this stage since 1862, the foundation of this great institution, our glorious achievements have been rough, tough and even though the College had to endure bereft along the journey, we were able to successfully rise up to the challenges and notwithstanding, we were firm enough to keep up our tasks including producing graduates upon whom degrees and other academic awards are yearly conferred.

  Liberian students in India Honor two UL Scholars 

The Association of Liberian students in the Republic of India on July 15, 2023 bestowed extraordinary honors on the President of the University of Liberia, Prof. Dr. Nelson, and the Dean of the Prof. Sawyer College, Associate Professor, Dr. Gray. The two distinguished Liberians were honored for their tireless efforts, valuable services to higher education and inclusive education relating to their respective duties at the Nation’s flagship university and commitment to quality education. The Highest Service Award is one of the exceptional honors awarded by the Liberian Community and students residing and studying in the Republic of India.

The prestigious honor is awarded in the field of dynamic leadership, handwork, dedication and commitment to duties. The colorful ceremony was held at Sharda University Campus in Knowledge Park, Greater Norda, Delhi, India.

Giving the overview of the highest honors, the National President of Liberian Community and Students in India, Mr. James Flomo noted that the prestigious honor recognizes the scope and depth of Dr. Nelson’s activities, contribution to higher education, services to the nation and commitment to quality learning and teaching at the University of Liberia.

Mr. Flomo reiterated with emphasis, that Dr. Nelson and Dr. Gray deserved to be recognized for their hard works, commitment to human development and education, and their distinctive leadership roles as President of the University of Liberia, and as Dean of Prof. Amos Claudius Sawyer College of Social Sciences and Humanities respectively.    He pinpointed that the two distinguished noble sons of the soil and proven academics are the first public officials from Liberia to receive such a prestigious accolade in India. He continued: “We are pleased to bestow on the achievable President of UL and the illustrious Dean of Amos Claudius Sawyer College.

Mr. Flomo who outlined some of the difficulties the students are facing in India, said the students believe that the President of UL exemplifies the true meaning of leadership and commitment towards higher education and quality learning. On behalf of the Liberian Community in India, Mr. Flomo praised Dr. Nelson for the introduction of eLearning at the University and appealed to him to ensure that eLearning always forms part of teaching and learning at the university.

He explained that no individual studying in India can be successful without full knowledge of computer, internet and eLearning. According to him, some graduates of UL who are now pursuing their Master’s Degree studies in India have openly told him of their regret for their act of resistance towards the introduction of eLearning at the university by Dr. Nelson.

On behalf of the students, Mr. Flomo expressed gratitude for the week-long visit of the high-powered delegation from the University of Liberia to Sharda University to hold meaningful and courageously well-seasoned discussions, and seeking tangible opportunities for the faculty, staffs and students at the nation’s flagship university.  They described the visit as an “indelible imprint“; very necessary, rewarding and reflective of a stitch in time, which according to them, did not only save nine; but that  they, convincingly believe  that the latter stands to bring positive development at the university and the entire educational sector of Liberia.

Presenting the award to Dr. Gray, the President of Liberian students in Greater Noida, New Delhi, India, Ms. Margaret Sumo acclaimed the Dean of the Prof. Amos C. Sawyer College for his brilliant outstanding achievements, leadership and dedication to human development and support towards women education and empowerment in the Sawyer College.

Future Plans for Amos Sawyer College

Short Term (1-2 Years)

The usage of crayons (chalks) to teach should be abolished. Each college should have established an official and functional website that shows detail of faculties, including qualifications, experience, courses offered, programs, academic activities and non–academic activities; while College introduces Master and doctoral programs, a Quality Control Board be established to regularly evaluate faculties’ performances and programs every year.

Class-size policy be observed. Candidates must have done research under the supervision of a professor before graduation. Minimum Semester GPA be upgraded to at least 2.5. The Publication of President’s and Dean’s lists be reintroduced; Faculties sabbatical be fully implemented; Ensuring the unhindered availability of resources such as books, technology, and materials including emphasis on professional development and the affordability of Safe learning environment for all.

Medium Term (3 Years)

A chair should be at least a Master Degree holder and with an Assistant Professor Rank.   Every department should publish at least a peer reviewed article. All Associate, Assistants and full Professors lecture should be based on their own publications. All Academic Coordinators and Administrative Assistants to the Deans and Associate Deans must be at least Master Degree holders.

All Administrative Secretaries and Record Officers be at least Bachelor Degree holders.   Deans be at least doctoral degree holders and hold Professorship rank. Budgetary appropriation for colleges be managed by colleges. Introduction of degrees beyond career pathway. Good infrastructure, equipped class rooms, learning centers, libraries, cafeterias and etc. That a Communication and Marketing Officer be appointed in each college.

Long Term (5 Years)

All faculties should be at least Master Degree holders. Every Assistant Professor should publish at least a peer reviewed article in their field of study in recognized journals and in a field of discipline or study. Associate Professors and full Professors also (may) have to publish books in their areas of disciplines. Associate Deans and Assistant Professors should be doctoral Degree’s holders. A chair should be at least a Master Degree holder and with an Assistant Professor Rank.   Every department should publish at least a peer reviewed article. All Associate, Assistant, and full Professors’ lectures should be based on their own publications.

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