After interview with BBC, British couple murdered, thrown to crocodiles in South Africa

Rodney and Rachel Saunders ran Silverhill Seeds in Cape Town

A court proceeding in South Africa has revealed that a British couple was brutally killed hours after being interviewed by the BBC in early 2018. Living in South Africa, the couple was murdered by a local gang, who threw their bodies in front of the crocodiles after killing them. Rod Saunders, 74, and his wife Rachel, 63, were interviewed for BBC’s show called Gardener’s World.

Rod and Rachel were world-renowned botanists, who ventured into the wild six months a year, collecting rare seed stocks for their online business. As per media reports, the couple was beaten to death by a gang, who stuffed them into sleeping bags and threw them in a river with a large crocodile population. Reportedly, the gang was upset with the couple for taking rare native seeds out of South Africa’s nature reserves.

The bodies, which were partly eaten by the beasts, were found by fishermen a few days after they were dumped. Media reports suggested that the couple had left their Cape Town residence on February 5, 2018, in their SUV. They were accompanied by a BBC TV crew and were subsequently interviewed by Nick Bailey in the Drakensberg Mountain region. Rachel and Rod had been looking for Gladioli flower seeds at the time.

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