A Book Review: The Broken Promise Of A Promise Land
By William Hanna |

Some Jewish people wish to believe they were chosen by a non-existent god who helped with an Israelite Exodus from Egypt that never occurred and allegedly promised them the land of Canaan, then such religious beliefs, even if unfounded, still qualify as an acceptable human right.
That right, however, does not come with a carte blanche authori[1]sation for the use of fictional biblical narratives — as justifi[1]cation for the barbaric ethnic cleansing of Palestinian people including a heinous and deliberate targeting of children — so that a Zionist Apartheid Jewish State can claim exclusive rights to a “Promised Land” disingenuously described as “a land without a people for a people without a land.”
Israel’s perversely persistent persecution of the in[1]digenous Palestinian population and denial of its culture, history, existence, and human rights — for more than sev[1]enty years — has been largely misrepresented if not totally ignored by unprincipled mainstream media prostitutes; cat[1]astrophically tolerated by a world drenched in xenophobic thoughts,
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