PLP Executive Committee Finally Axe Wilmot Paye As National Chairman

The former Chairman, Paye in closed discussion with his former boss, Dr. Cassell

After series of allegation in the media against the political leader of the People’s Liberation Party (PLP), Dr. Daniel Cassell that he is a deceitful Politician, the former Chairman of the party, Wilmot Paye has finally been axed by the executive committee of the Party.

Paye’s removal comes after accusations and counter-accusations between him and the party’s political leader Cassell. Considered one of Liberia’s rising political figures, Paye has in recent times faced troubles in his political career with parties.

He was earlier the Secretary-General of the former ruling Unity Party that led the country for 12 years and progressed in leaderships position, becoming the party chair and presiding over the party 2017 presidential election that brought the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) to power.

Having spent some time as Chairman, Paye was thrown out of the Chairmanship position in 2020, from where he left and landed within the PLP as its acting chairperson in February this year during a euphoric celebration at the party’s headquarters in Congo Town.

He was brought in to take the PLP forward, however, he was sacked in August. Mr. Paye was accused by Dr. Cassel for act unbecoming of his position, which led to his sacking and thrown out of the party that he helped grow over the past months. But Paye resisted the party decision and argued that the political leader’s action was contrary to the party’s constitution.

In a press statement, PLP announced that it has officially parted company with its former chairman without any regret. His expulsion was endorsed by Cassell, who at first decided to paint the move as an act of the party’s General Policy Commission (GPC), many of whom Paye has accused of being influenced by Dr. Cassell and unable to make independent decisions.

The GPC is the highest decision-making body of the PLP and it comprises high-ranking officials of the party, including Dr. Cassell, whom Paye claims preside over the GPC meetings. His removal, according to the PLP, is predicated upon issues of fraud, acts of undermining or usurping functions and poor performances, and unilaterally violating the constitutional rights of other members of the party.

“In view of the recent wave of gross violations of the PLP’s norms, core values, and ethics, the organizing committee of the party, do hereby expel Paye, and some other executives who have lost the comfort of friendship with Cassell and other founding members of the party,” PLP said in a statement

But in reaction to his removal, the former Chairman of the People Liberation Party (PLP) has described the Party’s Political leader, Dr. Daniel E. Cassell as a deceitful and insincere politician in Liberia.

The People’s Liberation Party (PLP) was accredited and subsequently certificated by the National Elections Commission as a new full-fledged political party on December 21, 2020. The party has been in the news for dismissing its acting chairman and other Countries’ leaders.

Dr. Cassell has been using the public space saying the PLP is for all Liberians, pointing out that the PLP was established to ensure change, freedom, and respect for the rule of law in Liberia.

“It is for a better Liberia that we have come to exist. It is for change, freedom, and the respect for the rule of law and to seek the best for our country; to seek the best for our children, children,” he added.

Dr. Cassell has said to Liberians that his, PLP will give back to the country with honor, integrity, and cares for the conditions of others, so that everyone can have a chance.

But, according to Wilmot Paye, Dr. Daniel Cassel does not represent what he says in public.

Mr. Paye who was removed as chairman from the former ruling Unity Party and later joined the  PLP and was later appointed as chairman by the party political leader, Dr. Cassell was removed as chairman, revealed that all of the projects undertaken by Dr. Cassel are business interests in the country.

Mr. Paye claimed Dr. Cassel is treating the party as a personal enterprise where he makes unilateral decisions in disregard to the election laws of Liberia.

He maintained that he has the backing of the Elections Commission through the election law to remain, Chairman, until the party goes to convention.

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